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Need of ERP in Educational Institutes

Educational institutes are meant for learning activities but most of the staff has to devote their valuable time on archival requirements.

We at “EguruShala” education ERP understand the magnitude and application of information related to student. Every institute recognizes the significance of institutional data which is a substantial element in the growth of institute.

“Egurushala” Education ERP system provides various product categories to cater the Archival needs of institutes. Graphical and chart based representation of data provides trends and analytical summary of large Data.

Major paybacks of Egurushala ERP

  • Product Training viaTutorials ,Product videos and webinars.
  • 24 x 7 Assistance and support system
  • Automated periodical Backups
  • Data Security.
  • Desktop Experience
  • Graphical and chart representation of large data